The ‘P language' has been in existence since long.
Want to know, how to speak ‘P language’?
It’s pretty simple. All you have to do is Break up every word into syllables and add 'p' sound in between the syllables. Let take this one syllable word ‘cat’ and add 'p' sound in between it, it becomes ca-p-at....
Want to know, how to speak ‘P language’?
It’s pretty simple. All you have to do is Break up every word into syllables and add 'p' sound in between the syllables. Let take this one syllable word ‘cat’ and add 'p' sound in between it, it becomes ca-p-at....
For example: If you want to say; “Be the change you want to see in the world.” In our secret language it would be - "b-pe the-pe chap-ange yo-pu wa-pant to-po se-pee ip-in the-pe wo-porld."
It's that simple. Now practice it to master it.
dont understand the p language some friends talkthem but they talk t fast so i cant understand and sometimes they talk about me :(
ReplyDeleteOhh cum on ur not a baby ... let them talk n true frnds never do dis so start searchin fr a new friend :)
Deletesopo chipill
my frans always talk abt me too, i get sad
Deletethapnk ypopu gpiftpas i dont get it
ReplyDeleteGot it thnkx
ReplyDeleteStrruggling to understand this, all at office speaking it :)
ReplyDeletethis is little difficult .. please help me out :(
ReplyDeletethis is little difficult .. please help me out :(