February, a beautiful month, when
the young at heart around the world carry a ‘single long stem’ rose in their
hand and multitude of emotions in their hearts and express their feelings to
their loved ones. Seems too fairytalish and unattainable from where she stood.
Many a times she wondered - is it
she who was unaware of loves existence or was it love that was unaware of her
loneliness. Mostly content with her family and career she never had the need to
look out for love. However, there was a kind of emptiness in her heart which
she felt sharply during this month of love, especially on Valentine’s Day.
From the day she qualified to be
an adult, all her efforts and energy was put to being a stronger and independent person. However, as
soon as she started realizing her independence the need to share it with
someone special grew stronger. The want for a companion to share her life with
started to flicker and each passing Valentine’s Day seemed heavier than the
previous one. Ignoring it, by stating “Valentine’s Day is just another day
publicized purely for commercial reasons”, no longer made sense to her.
This valentine’s Day, once again
she is single and not sure of what life has in store for her. She awaits eagerly
the arrival of her knight in shining armor, believing, when the love of her
life finds her, it will be so worth the wait.
Happy Valentine’s Day everybody!